ENG/ESP. He/they. Collector of hobbies.
Hello, hello! Make yourself at home!
I'm just someone else who likes these little corners of the internet
where people express their individuality and originality through websites.
However, I'm AWFUL with technology. Got 0, nada, basically, of knowledge of stuff
outside of what little I knew from Windows. I switched up to Linux over.. A year ago? or so
and you'd think I learned a bunch of stuff by now. Not really.
But I'm going to fix that! And I thought it'd be fun for me and to have a bit of experience
with this website by documenting my journey. Just in case someone else is on the
same boat as me, feel related to me, or really if you do know your stuff maybe to
have a bit of fun seeing someone else discovering for the first time what you've known for a long time.
I expect that updates are going to be long away from each other but with considerable content.
Only way it wouldn't be is if I'm fixing my website's code as I learn more about it. Or accesibility reasons.
Either way, I hope you have fun reading through my stuff!
*Perhaps add a gaming and poetry sections? Or media?
*Add image of the day (update) so that it doesn't look so empty.
*RSS for ramblings
*Mobile friendly...
*Javascript to change the font for dyslexic people in ramblings
*Guest book?
*Status cafe
*Join webrings/fanlistings?
Nothing here yet!