Hello, hello! You're at the landpage. This website is not mobile friendly sadly, or really optimized to screens other than 1280x1024 and it's dedicated to hobbies and micro interests of the moment. This website has its own will and the webmaster is not really its master, sorry about that. Look at these pretty images by the way!

Yeah haha ain't that cool. Anyways, other revelant things:

1.This site has javascript & no cookies are saved. It's used for playing a sound in a single anchor tag that works either way without JS, displaying old updates on click, and for giving a warning in the ramblings page in case of eyestrain and to have a theme switcher. Other than that the site can work without these features in case you have JS disabled.

2.You are allowed to take snippets of my code, although I don't think it's a good idea since it's not the best. There are articles I've made explaining concepts I've used to make this website if you need help, and I think they're pretty beginner-friendly or atleast gives you a good starting point or reference

3.The shrine page contains autoplaying music, if that bothers you.

4.I like back-and-forths. I appreciate participation in polls or in the chatbox about the website (although they're not implemented yet), and there's no other way to contact me other than that (and my neocities profile).

5.I use a lot of ()'s.
